Objective of IRC

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Objective of IRC

As a council, we strongly believe that to achieve comprehensive development in our manufacturing and export sectors, we require an ecosystem that facilitates easier, faster, and reliable access to Indian products in foreign markets. Furthermore, we firmly assert that the creation of demand is not only crucial but also the most effective means to drive increased production. It serves as a catalyst for the growth of any product, yielding optimal results. The COVID-19 pandemic has vividly demonstrated that the most effective step to boost production and exports is to generate and stimulate demand. We have witnessed how the production and exports of masks, sanitizers, and personal protective equipment (PPE) were promoted in India, and how the industry responded remarkably to meet the heightened demand. India possesses an abundance of infrastructure, talent, and financial resources. Therefore, if we can create a robust and sustained demand for Indian products, there will be no shortage of means to meet that demand. With these principles in mind, the Indo-Romanian Council is committed to working diligently towards two primary objectives.

1.) Facilitating easy access to Indian products in Europe, ensuring a smooth and streamlined process for their entry into the European market.

2.) Promoting and increasing the demand for Indian products in Europe, thereby creating a thriving market that spurs production and boosts exports. Through focused efforts and strategic initiatives, we aim to establish an ecosystem that supports the accessibility and demand for Indian goods, ultimately contributing to the growth and success of our manufacturing and export sectors. The Indo Romanian Council has a clear set of objectives that guide our activities and initiatives. These objectives reflect our commitment to fostering strong bilateral trade relations, promoting business collaboration, and facilitating economic growth between India and Europe.

• Strengthen Bilateral Trade
• Promote Investments
• Facilitate Business Partnerships
• Support Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
• Advocate for Business Interests
• Promote Cultural Exchange
• Knowledge Sharing and Capacity Building

By pursuing these objectives, the IRC aims to strengthen economic ties, create business opportunities, and foster a robust partnership between India and Europe. We are committed to serve as a catalyst for growth, facilitating trade, investments, and collaborations to benefit businesses on both countries.