IRC Network

IRC Network

The Indo-Romanian Council is a prominent organization dedicated to fostering bilateral relations and enhancing economic cooperation between India and Europe. At the core of its operations lies a robust network of individuals, businesses, and institutions that collaborate to drive mutual growth and development. The Indo-Romanian Council's network plays a pivotal role in fostering economic cooperation, cultural exchange, and mutual understanding between India and Europe. By facilitating business connections, knowledge sharing, and advocacy, the network creates a conducive environment for companies, professionals, and institutions.

Through our vast network, we create a diverse membership base to bring together industry leaders, entrepreneurs, government officials, diplomats, academicians, and cultural ambassadors from both India and Europe. Through networking events, conferences, and online platforms, the council provides a conducive environment for forging fruitful business relationships, thus facilitating business connections. The council organizes events such as trade shows, exhibitions, and business summits, where companies can showcase their products and services, explore joint venture opportunities, and establish distribution channels in each other's markets. This gives opportunity for business matchmaking. The network acts as a platform for knowledge sharing and expertise exchange between Indian and European professionals. Being a part of the Indo-Romanian Council's network provides valuable access to market insights and intelligence. Members gain a deeper understanding of the business environment, regulatory frameworks, and cultural nuances in both India and Europe. The network also promotes cultural exchange and collaboration between India and Europe. Through various cultural events, exhibitions, and festivals, members have the opportunity to showcase their respective heritage, traditions, and artistic expressions. These events create a sense of community and camaraderie among members, fostering a supportive ecosystem for collaboration and growth.