

The main reasons for the incorporation of the Council

Brexit ("British exit") was the withdrawal of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU) at 23:00 GMT on 31 January 2020 (00:00 1 February 2020 CET). The U.K is the only sovereign country to have left the EU. The UK had been a member state of the EU or its predecessor the European Communities (EC), sometimes of both at the same time, since 1 January 1973.

Indian Connections with Europe - The war in Ukraine has given India a rare political incentive to recalibrate its European Strategy. Since the 2 nd half of the 20 th century, Delhi has unfortunately seen Europe through the Russian eyes. Correcting that historical error has been long overdue. This does not, however, mean that Delhi should start viewing Russia through the European eyes today. For India, it is not a question of taking sides between Russia and Europe on Ukraine. What Delhi needs is an integrated view of European security in general and business in particular. Sooner than later, Ukraine, Russia and the West will begin formal exploration of the possibilities for a negotiated settlement. What Delhi needs is an integrated view of European Business and security. China is already positioning itself for such an eventuality with its so-called peace plan for Ukraine. India, which has big stakes in European peace, could be equally valuable, if not better, interlocutor between the West and Russia. India presently is well placed to reverse India’s long standing passivity on Europe. The near term necessity for working with Europe on the Ukraine question ought to be complemented by the long term imperative of deeper engagement with European institutions, be it security but also business.

The question is how companies can diversify their projects and funding into unfamiliar sectors and terrain. Accessing remote locations, identifying the needs of local communities and trusted implementation partners are challenges. Grassroots non – profit organisations often lack the means to showcase their impact on national platforms, resulting in an information gap with funders. This council will look for a shift in the ecosystem for a more equitable distribution of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). It will look for funding to promote artisans and cottage industries from the entire country, to be able to look up to being exporters in their own right and not through middleman/merchant exporters. Equitable distribution and promotion of handicrafts & products produced in village / remote areas in the country, is a very important social issue the Council has endeavoured to work on. In the Indian context the strategy of development must also include a provision for basic income, reducing inequality and poverty within a framework. We as a council would be looking for independent partnerships with the corporate identities while providing accountability to the funders. We believe that corporations that wish to be true national partners in realising environmental and social goals should aim to establish trusted partnerships with more diverse set of non -profit organisations like ourselves.

It was somewhere in the year 1991 that India broke with its past and moved to a more market oriented economy. Several countries – most notably South Korea earlier and China more recently achieved high growth over several decades of focusing on exports. This export led growth strategy may not work for India, particularly in the context of changed global trade situation but having said that, only an exponential increase in exports will lead the way for increase in per capita income. Though India is today the 5 th largest economy but in per capita terms it is ranked 149 out of 194 countries. Though we have a long way to go but we also have the potential. A growth of 6 to 7 percent continuously is required and is possible if the strategy is correct and if we can create an appropriate investment climate. IRC- INDO ROMANIAN COUNCIL, CENTER OF EXTERNAL RELATIONS IS A BOLD STEP IN THIS DIRECTION.